Image The development of the skills necessary to achieve First Class Scout and the development of Leadership skills are at the core of the responsibilities of every Scoutmaster. This site provides resources and materials to support the mission of Scoutmasters everywhere.

Of course, all great trainers have also completed training themselves. It is not the intent of this site to replace formal training, but only to serve as a resource to those who conduct training and support those who do.

Foundational Skills Series

First ClassMastering First Class Skills
A collection of skill sheets are available to facilitate the teaching and development of many of the skills needed to reach the level of First Class Scout. These materials are not meant to replace the Boy Scout Handbook, only to supplement it, and provide Scouts with additional reference material for use in developing skill instruction lesson plans.

Fieldcraft Skills Series

imageScouting Fieldcraft Skills
A series of reference materials highlighting some of the Boy Scout Field Skills from previous editions of the Boy Scout Handbook and Boy Scout Fieldbook that have not been included in the current editions of Boy Scout Publications. Many "experienced" Scouters think of these as "lost" skills.
Here you can download Fieldcraft Skill reference materials to provide Scouts with material for use in developing skill instruction lesson plans.

Goal Directed Leadership
"The Next Step"
This concept in Leadership Training is directed at the Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader. It helps them to understand that meeting goals serves as the cornerstone of Leadership, and uses the National Honor Patrol criteria as the template for setting goals, measuring and evaluating progress, and eventually meeting a major milestone. Here is where the concept of the SMART goal is fully explored

video resource links

Image Many videos are available for viewing many of the tasks and skills presented as part of the Fieldcraft skill series. Many of the videos are from sources other than Scouting resources, however the presentions have all been reviewed and have been determined to present information in a responsible and effective manner.

Classic Boys Life Series
"Old School Scouting"
Many of the original publications featuring Scouting and outdoor skills are no longer available, but here we preserve and make available re-publications of some basic Scout skill information that was published in the pages of BoysLife magazine from the 1950s thru the 1970s. Here you can get a glimpse of the foundations of Fieldcraft skills from the past, and see how relevant they remain today.

Scouting Resource Links
Many resources are available to assist and support the Patrol Leader's Council in the planning of an engaging and effective Troop program. The links provided in this section offer resources in support of planning and presenting a well rounded robust program.

Current Rank Requirements

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